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5 Simple Bean Protocol Habits

If you’re still overwhelmed by the Bean Protocol, try these five habits to simplify and improve your wellbeing! The below habits that will be easy to include and implement in your daily life.

Just remember, it’s easier to form good habits than to break bad ones. By adding these habits, you’ll slowly be able to remove any habits that are not recommended on the protocol that may be holding you back from your best health!

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1. Decide how you want to feel each day

Every morning when I wake up, I decide how I want to feel for the day. I lay in my bed, close my eyes, place my right hand over my heart, and my left hand over my belly, and breathe deeply. Next, I ask myself how I want to feel and wait for any feelings or images to pop-up. Notice I don’t ask myself what I want to do or make a list of things I need/should do. I simply let my body show me.

Once I list my feelings, I imagine how I will commit to these feelings.

  • I want to feel nourished. To feel nourished, I decide that I’ll be eating foods that nourish me, like Beans, protein, and veggies.

  • Connected. Connected usually means getting in touch with friends and family, having conversations.

  • Strong. Going for hikes, low-impact exercises, and yoga.

  • Peace. Time in Nature and silence.

Starting my day off with how I want to feel is a great start to the day. I can immediately tap into this feeling whenever I make a decision. Is it aligned to the feelings I had in the morning?

2. Eat mindfully

A great habit whether you’re on or off the protocol is to take your time to chew and taste your food before swallowing.

It’s not about tracking how many calories you’re eating, but simply about enjoying the combination of flavors and thinking about how the food is nourishing your body.

Taking the time to notice how foods make you feel while and after you eat can reinforce the benefits of the bean protocol which makes it easier to stick to the protocol.

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3. Add an extra serving of vegetables

Vegetables of all kinds are highly recommended on the protocol. Cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower are high in fiber and are more filling than other foods.

I’ve noticed eating the majority of my veggies before eating beans or proteins prevents bloating.

Not only does this practice prevent bloating and bad digestion, but when you eat your vegetables first, your stomach registers that it’s full faster because the plant-based foods take up more space.

Right now I’m obsessed with carrot sticks, sliced cucumbers, and plain chickpeas drizzled in freshly squeezed lime or lemon and topped with Hain Iodized Sea Salt. It’s my go to afternoon snack.

4. Use unsaturated fats

Hydrogenated food oils and butter sold in supermarkets appear clean. They’re portrayed as healthy oils. Nothing could be further from the truth.

These oils have been processed and aren’t the best for consuming. They cause inflammation, obesity and many other health issues. Do your best to steer clear of these unhealthy vegetable oils, especially coconut oil.

I prefer extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil. Olive oil can be used in salads and vegetable dishes, while avocado oil can be used for frying, or baking since it has a high smoke point.

These oils are the good fats that your body needs.

Other favorite unsaturated fats include 1/4 cup of your favorite nuts or 1/2 cup of nut butter and you’ll have all the oil you need on a daily basis.

Don’t forget the salt! Salt and unsaturated fats activate anti-inflammatory and anti-aging reactions within the body. Pretty amazing, right?

Don’t forget that if you’re on a healing protocol, you need to eat your unsaturated fats away from your beans. Since the soluble fiber in beans love fat, and your toxic bile is made of fat, eating your unsaturated fats away from beans will allow the soluble fiber to attach to the toxic bile instead of the unsaturated fats.

And if you’re trying to heal from Gall Bladder issues, please contact Unique Hammond at or buy Karen Hurd’s Gallbladder, Liver, and Upper GI course. This protocol differs from the standard protocol and if not followed can aggravate your issues instead of heal them.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Seriously people, water is amazing for you and you need it. I find when I drink purified water or my favorite Mountain Water spring water, it’s easy to drink 96 ounces or more.

Besides being an amazing habit to have, it’s often the solution to your hunger because thirst is often mistaken for hunger pains.

Drinking 96 ounces of water is not only recommended on the protocol to help with hunger and hydration, but also because it helps with constipation. So if you’re feeling a little backed up, hot water is highly recommended.

If you’re still feeling constipated, I highly recommend a cup of fresh ginger tea. Cut about an inch of the fresh ginger, shave the skin with a spoon, and chop it any way you desire. If I’m feeling lazy, I slice it into slivers. If not, I mince it. Add a squeeze a lemon, and it definitely gets things going, if you know what I mean.

Bonus! Batch Cooking

Cooking at home can be overwhelming when living a full life. It seems much easier to just dine out or order a pizza to be delivered to your home.

However, if you want to get on the healing train, it’s best to batch different elements of meals that can be made into many meals throughout the week.

  • Beans

  • Hard-boiled eggs for quick protein snacks

  • pre-cut veggies like bell pepper, cucumber, carrots, and celery

  • Roasted pans of veggies

  • Batch cook your favorite animal protein like chicken and beef

Then mix and match the different foods you’ve made for easy at-home meals. Home-cooked meals are almost always healthier and will leave you feeling nourished and content for hours after the meal.

This doesn’t mean you can’t order pizza, in fact I still do every few months or so (I’m not a monster), but I would highly recommend enjoying your pizza with a side of beans or five psyllium husk capsules.

Adopt any or all of these 6 healthy eating habits and your relationship with food will be better and your meals will be much healthier and more wholesome. Perfect for the a balanced approach to the bean protocol.

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