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Easy Self Care Day Ideas That Anyone Can Do!

When life is stressful implement these easy self care ideas that are free and affordable.

As I was making breakfast this morning, I dropped a freshly peeled avocado half on the floor. 

As I tried to catch the avocado, I yelled: "Gahhh, you are so stupid!"

It's hard to believe how hard I am on myself. If it were anyone else, like the BF, I would be like "oh, no worries babe, let me just wash it off quick." Squeeze lemon juice for extra sanitation and let the day move on because dropping an avo on the floor isn't a big deal. 

Then there are the more significant mistakes. Like when I misplaced the title of our car and wrecked our apartment trying to find it. With every paper and file opened and yelled and cursed for the world to hear how I was incompetent and utterly dumb for losing this sheet of paper. 

I can't forget about the time when I fumbled through a presentation. Every word was coming out like Morse code dictation. “You. Sound. Uneducated.” “You. Have. Zero. Confidence.” “Just. Faint. Already. So. You. Can. Go. Home. Sick.” “You. Dumb. B!”

It's no wonder whenever I read any articles on self-care that I immediately roll my eyes. How can I show myself that I care when I can't even talk to myself with an ounce of TLC?

So before you create a hygge corner in your home or draw a relaxing bath, start your self-care routine with these simple tips!

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Things to Do for Self Care

Meet Your Basic Needs

When life is stressful or when you just have a lot going on, it seems like our basic needs like eating, sleeping, and drinking water are the first to-do’s to get crossed off our list.

But if you’re not nourishing yourself and getting rest, it’s difficult to practice any pampering type of self care.

If you're currently suffering from Hormonal Imbalance, like I was, I highly recommend checking out the Bean Protocol to regain your energy and nourish your body from the inside out.

It addresses all the basics like staying hydrated, but most importantly it focuses on the power of rest! All living beings need sleep, especially when their body is running on empty.

Be Patient With Yourself

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In a world when it's cool to be busy and overworked, it's easy to feel like we're not doing enough. 

We are human. We can't and nor should we try to do it "all" in one day. 

Next time you find yourself getting upset because you left a few minutes late or dropped the avo, ask yourself is this event worth getting upset or angry about?

Is this something you are going to remember tomorrow, a week, a month, or a year from now?

If you answered no, maybe you can finally cut yourself some slack, and focus your energy on more valuable tasks. 

Going back to the "lost" car title, as the world would have it, that one sheet of paper just so happened to fall behind my dresser. I had it ready, in advance, and by the magic of a door closing or a gust of wind blowing through our apartment, it blew that one sheet of paper behind the dresser. 

If I was a bit more patient with myself, I might not have had the panic attack and approached looking for the title with calm, and could have found it earlier. 

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Speak kindly to yourself

Countless studies prove the benefits of positive self-talk. It helps us focus on the moment, and it contributes to self-empowerment particularly when we're in stressful situations. 

  • It's time to let go of the self-shaming and accept yourself. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful smart and worthy of kindness.

  • Leave yourself notes to remind you that you are talented and confident.

  • Listen to self-guided meditations that remind us how talented we really are!

Inundating our brains with messages of positive affirmations rewires the negativity we learned from our lives. Removing fear and replacing any form of it with confidence.

If I had followed these steps sooner, I might have rocked that presentation! And the good news is that I can always rock the next preso!

Forgive yourself

We all want to be our best selves. Share our best moments. Live our best lives. However, when we make mistakes, we tend to hold onto these bad boys for years to come. 

Keeping these emotions of regret or shame locked inside our hearts prevents us from enjoying the present or taking action to succeed.

Or in some cases, it keeps us tied to something that doesn’t exist and prohibits us from doing what’s necessary so we can reach the next milestone in our life. 

Take a moment to accept the past, share our so-called mistakes with others, and learn to forgive yourself.

Breaking free from the past gives us the chance card to our lives. We don't get to "pass go" or "collect $200", but we will sure as hell feel lighter. And owning our “mistakes”, is worth a lot more than any sum of money. 

I know from experience. Verbally shitting on myself because I dropped an avocado is totally unacceptable. Beating myself up because mother nature blew the paper I needed was uncalled for and blown out of proportion. Trying to be a strong presenter who doesn't mess up is just not in my skillset (yet), but it's who I am right now. And that’s okay! 

Also, know that these “mistakes” may feel like shortcomings now, but are areas where you can learn to grow and shine!

Spend Time in Nature

The sun, air, birds chirping, even rain all have a powerful way of reminding you that you’re a part of something bigger. Taking breaks outside can help you reset your hormones and your circadian rhythm.

Plus it gives you an extra boost of energy when you’re feeling low.

Talk about easy self care! Just stepping outside and breathing in all the natural wonders of the world can totally shift your mood and mind.

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Feel Your Uncomfortable Emotions

Let’s face it, it’s impossible to be positive all the time. Our emotions exist for a reason and they’re not bad or good - they’re just temporary.

In my experience, ignoring our emotions only leads to disappointment and frustration, but allowing myself to cry, be angry, scream into my pillow releases something in the core of my physical and emotional body. It’s way better than any bite of chocolate or glass of wine!

Allowing yourself to feel whatever comes up for sixty seconds, is the free and powerful self-care you didn’t know your body needed.

Move Your Body

My somatic therapist friend, recently asked me how I deal with stress and I said, I have a natural reaction to want to dance as I did as a child.

I shake my booty so hard for an entire song - flailing my arms, getting low, shimmying until I’m no longer thinking and just moving.

And my somatic therapist friend said, honoring your inner child is the most profound self-care you can do!

Whatever shape or form your movement comes from, trust that it’s powerful and needed when times are tough.

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In line with moving your body, masturbation can provide your body with self care that can take you to another plane. Providing your feminine self that sensual release is powerful and magical and will totally shift the stress to “oh, yes.”

Plus all you need is your two hands or a trusty friend to get it done.

Connect with Friends

My best friend Willis can really turn a bad day around. Whether we’re just watching a movie we’ve seen a million times in silence, or reminiscing about old times, it scratches the self care itch perfectly.

The best news, you don’t even need to hang out, you can call each other and find that it soothes the soul and the cortisol right down!

Free Self Care Tips are Best

 Now that you've learned the easiest ways to bring self care into your life, think about how you might incorporate these simple tips into your everyday routine.

Replace "you're so stupid" with "I love myself so much!" or "I'm freaking awesome" because you are!

Remind yourself there is no such thing as perfect, especially when it comes to reclaiming your health!

Every step you take, every action that gets you closer to your clearing goal is enough. And always always forgive yourself. 

If you don't have a self-care routine, do you think you can implement these easy tips to start today? How do you think it will impact you decluttering?

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